Phoenix Comic Con 2015
We saw the best car and Yes Ravio has became one of my go to cosplays on short days, I was Ravio on the ghost day/unofficial day one. We hung out around other Zelda friends most of the day 😀
Also sadly Thursday is the only day I got a video up sense my laptop crash meaning all the other videos are gone :T clicky clicky to see
Friday was the day of the Panel I was asked to be part of and oh god it was crazy! Our panel started at 4:30 now any one who has hosted a panel knows we have 30 minutes to set up then 30 minutes to take down but even before the panel before us ended there was a HUGE line outside the door that when it was our turn to get in all of us had to explain we were the panelist! there was so many people standing right infront of the door! I was lucky enough to get my sisters in even tho they were not part of the panel. the line outside got too big that we had to start 30 minutes early! and according to my dad he said the line wrapped around the corner of the build still even tho we had 30 minutes left of the panel! It was fun and if you wanna see me be a very dumb freddy click here
Then Saturday and Sunday uuuuugh, So tiring ! We walked around so much and was asked every 2 seconds for pictures it was so fuuuuuun! we were in so many videos even in one of D Piddys video!
😀 SO happy that everyone seemed to like our Fnaf cosplays I even had someone say I was the best SpringTrap they’ve seen agh! That makes me really happy to have heard! The last day I was following around my sister all twitchy twitchy, she wasn’t in a cosplay but everyone thought it was part of the act. people seemed to like it 😀