Ranboo reference
This is my Ranboo reference sheet
Ranboo is a (???) hybrid, Honestly couldn’t tell ya. I always drew endermen with digitigrade legs(picture below is from 2013) so I count that as an enderman thing but I couldn’t tell ya where the horns, ears and tail comes from.

Shorta figured It was gonna have something to do with Undertale but nah lol
His outfit is pretty close to his skins I just added the corset vest to it to spicy it up a tiny. The one thing I keep forgetting is his crown, while I know its the main part of his character its easily forgotten by me so I kinda replace it with flowers or just change up the hair style. I like to give him super long hair mainly cause than I can change up the style but also I feel like it’s more dramatic this way. In sense of you can tell what mood he’s in just by his hair style. I just think he forgot to get his haircut for awhile than figured he liked it long.
high pony tail is usually house work/cleaning. high bun is mining or working. low ponytail is a lazy day. hair down or braided is relaxed. any certain style means events or visiting someone(or cause he felt like doing something with it) also he gets the braid from Techno but while Techno can braid from the top of his head Ranboo gets where he can reach so most the times the braid starts under his shoulders.
He has a locket necklace with pictures of his family in it and has it on him at all times. He also has a set of earrings that are just plain gold. His wedding ring has an ember gem to look as if it was a honey com. For awhile he removed it around Wilbur, Techno and Sam so they wouldn’t see and ask questions.
While everyone can see his particles not everyone can see them the same way he does. Most just see purple dots while he sees them with eyes, arms and legs, they also chat with him 🙂

OOK LISTEN I have like 3 theory’s on his enderwalking and I know they are all wrong 😀 but listen anyways
Theory 1) Part of it is Dream making him do things and such but not in the way many think(?) So in this theory Ranboo himself doesn’t know he can go to different places but Dream does and he uses Ranboo to go to this hidden library where Dream gets his books from BUT this also goes off the theory Dream is also DreamXD. I’ll talk more on that when I upload Dreams Reference.
Theory 2) This is the real Ranboo, Now he has stated in the lessons lore that what if his enderwalking is him with all his memories and he wouldn’t know. So is his enderwalking actually him?
Theory 3) It’s literally just him being an enderman….. yeah?
Now with that being said I highly believe the 3nd one but that is also going off of an idea I had on Ranboos character that I will be hinting at in my animations.
Ranboo knows what he’s doing. He does have memory issues, He very much cares for alot of people but he’s not dumb, He’s not the cry baby he’s been putting himself out to be, He does pick sides. It is an act to fool others into doing what he wants. Not like how Dream, Quackity, Wilbur or Sam does it. He plays innocent to get people on his side before getting people to do what he wants. Cause why would Ranboo do that? not Ranboo! he doesn’t know better! not poor innocent Ranboo!!
He does care for Phil, Techno, Niki and Tommy. He does love Tubbo and Micahel and he’ll do anything to protect them even making deals with people.
But how to you destroy something completely? Take it down from the inside out. How? well be friends with someone learn everything about them including weaknesses then lets say have your husband work for the other guy… have him use what he learned from being a spy and find those weak points from the other dude and slowly tap at the glass till you see the cracks. After that doesn’t take long for it to shatter.
😀 Thats just me tho who wants things to go differently anyways
(This next part will also be copied and pasted onto Tubbo’s Reference)

Ranboo and Tubbo’s son Michael!
Michael is between the age of 2-4, He is a toddler at least. He’s very adventurous and loves to get on top of things. He loves to play swords or casing his chicken or Benson.
Now with Ranboo and Tubbo not knowing much about how to take care of a baby and with there not being many people with baby around them they aren’t sure when to stop certain things or start others. Because of that Michael still has his pacifiers which has started to become a comfort thing to him. He will drink from a bottle or sippy cup. potty training has been slow.
He does have his ear pierced, he saw his ‘Uncle’ Techno with them and wanted one so they got him a small one. He wears a locket necklace like the one from Ranboos merch but his has a picture of his parents in it. He also has a totem that is kept in his pocket again thanks to Ranboo as a just in case.
Michael loves the warmth and really hates the snow. Which isn’t the best for where they live. In the small house the up stairs has the heating on higher than the rest of the house with them slowly turning it down to get him used to the cold a bit. Uncle Tommy had gotten him a heating blanket for bed/nap time. Anytime they leave the house he is in a big coat, beanie and gloves. He does like playing in the snow just hates the cold. In the mansion he’s bedroom and play room is warmer than the rest of the place.
He can speak but doesn’t like to, he’ll tell you how he feels in actions. He also likes to shake things infront of his dads to get them to open it. He shows his love by biting your cheek which he mainly does to Ranboo and Tubbo and sometimes Tommy. He also picked up headbutting from Tubbo
Ranboo is papa and Tubbo is dada

Michaels pets
Michael LOVES his chickens. At home he has his chicken and Benson, Now we all know Michaels Chicken isn’t his original one but Michael doesn’t know or needs to know that! Both chickens are fluffy chickens so nice to nap on or play with!
He also loves all their pets these two are just ‘his’