Tubbo Reference sheet
This is my Tubbo Reference sheet!
I also like the idea of Tubbo being a goat hybrid, I’ve played around with the design a bit. As of late I’ve been playing around if I like the horns or not. The horns I have they lean back then up cause of how he sleeps but they’ve been a butt to animation so as of late I havn’t been drawing them with the reasoning of he files them down cause he doesn’t like them and they grow back. Now doing some reading goats cant regrow their horns buuuuut angst. Idk though still playing around
He does have goat ears, legs and tail though, now animating they’ll be a plain colour but once I get better the tips of his tail and roots of his hair is blonde referencing the tweek skin.
He has scars on his forehead and arms from the fireworks. Tubbo, himself, seems to cover his face when scared so I figured his character would too so his arms took most the damage (Which you can still die from so he’d still lose a canon life)
He always has a totem on him at all times thanks to Ranboo, he wears it as a necklace so it’s not in the way. He has his wedding ring(this reference needs an update) that is an emerald that looks as if its an ender eye. I very much like the idea of him and Ranboo with the wedding bands on their horns but I figured not everyone knows about their marriage but also there people they wont want to know they’re married so rings make it easier to hide in that case.
We know Dream (and Sam as of late) uses things/people against others so better to not let anyone know to use against them.
(This next part will also be copied and pasted onto Ranboos Reference)
Tubbo and Ranboo’s son Michael!
Michael is between the age of 2-4, He is a toddler at least. He’s very adventurous and loves to get on top of things. He loves to play swords or casing his chicken or Benson.
Now with Ranboo and Tubbo not knowing much about how to take care of a baby and with there not being many people with baby around them they aren’t sure when to stop certain things or start others. Because of that Michael still has his pacifiers which has started to become a comfort thing to him. He will drink from a bottle or sippy cup. potty training has been slow.
He does have his ear pierced, he saw his ‘Uncle’ Techno with them and wanted one so they got him a small one. He wears a locket necklace like the one from Ranboos merch but his has a picture of his parents in it. He also has a totem that is kept in his pocket again thanks to Ranboo as a just in case.
Michael loves the warmth and really hates the snow. Which isn’t the best for where they live. In the small house the up stairs has the heating on higher than the rest of the house with them slowly turning it down to get him used to the cold a bit. Uncle Tommy had gotten him a heating blanket for bed/nap time. Anytime they leave the house he is in a big coat, beanie and gloves. He does like playing in the snow just hates the cold. In the mansion he’s bedroom and play room is warmer than the rest of the place.
He can speak but doesn’t like to, he’ll tell you how he feels in actions. He also likes to shake things infront of his dads to get them to open it. He shows his love by biting your cheek which he mainly does to Ranboo and Tubbo and sometimes Tommy. He also picked up headbutting from Tubbo
Ranboo is papa and Tubbo is dada
Michaels pets
Michael LOVES his chickens. At home he has his chicken and Benson, Now we all know Michaels Chicken isn’t his original one but Michael doesn’t know or needs to know that! Both chickens are fluffy chickens so nice to nap on or play with!
He also loves all their pets these two are just ‘his’